Websites I manage

I've built and continue to manage several websites.

If you've ended up here expecting to find one of them, just click on the image below to get to the right place.

Common Frontiers

Common Frontiers Canada

Access Midwifery & Family Care

Midwives in Victoria

Midwives In Victoria

Victoria Hospice

Victoria Hospice

This is the personal website of Dave Traynor.

I am currently based in Victoria, BC, after a varied career as a writer, editor and communications executive in Saskatchewan, Ontario and now BC.

I am currently the Manager of Communications at Victoria Hospice, where I have been volunteering as a Board member and now as paid staff since arriving in Victoria in 2006.

I also run Dave Traynor Communications, a consultancy offering PR & Communications consulting and web design and maintenance.

I am intrigued and fascinated by the technological revolution we are living through these days, and although I am a so-called digital immigrant, I have enjoyed a lot of success helping others integrate today's technology into their existing communications programs.

Like many, I live and work in many places online. You can follow me at any of the links below.

twitter     facebook     LinkedIn     My blog     email